The Miracle of Emunah By Ethan Mauskopf (‘25)


In Parashat Mikeitz, Yosef was called to Paroh from jail to interpret his dreams. Paroh was searching through all of Mitzrayim, consulting the smartest people, but could not find anyone with a compelling interpretation. Accordingly, why does Paroah believe Yosef, who was called a נַ֣עַר עִבְרִ֗י עֶ֚בֶד, which as Rashi explains, are very degrading terms? 

One reason is  that Yosef attributed his interpretations to HaKadosh Baruch Hu. The translations were only Hashem putting them into his mouth, and he said them Lesheim Shamayim. Once you remove yourself and show that Hashem is in charge, your message becomes clear and merges with Hashem, which gives Him full control. 

Pirkei Avot teaches that that quoting  your source bring Geulah from the world. In Yosef’s case, that Geulah was from prison, straight to the top of the country. 

The story of Chanukah was a similar miracle because of the war that was fought between the Maccabees and the Greeks, small versus large, and also because they found one Pach Shemen which showed they wanted to stay religious. The Maccabees fought and fought because they had Emunah and Bitachon in Hashem that He would help them win the war. They placed the result in Hashem’s hand, and brought Him with them to the battleground. Additionally, they never gave up their Torah values, even though the Greeks viciosuly tried to eliminate it. They struggled with and overcame other Jews who tragically were trying to take over the religious environment. When the Maccabees pushed through the hatred of self-hatingJews, they showed Hashem that they wanted to stay connected and close with Him, which will always bring them Hazlachah and miracles.

At the beginning of Yosef’s life, he was a bit arrogant, not recognizing Hashem in his life. But later, especially during his interaction with Paroah, he had Emunah in Hashem to save him, which ultimately worked because Hashem tilted Paraoh's heart and influenced him to accept Yosef’s interpretation. 

We see from both the story in Mikeitz and the story in Chanukah that having Emunah in Hashem propels us to great heights. The Chasmona’im also celebrated the fact that Hashem saved them, which is a tremendous lesson for us. We must thank Hashem every situation that occurs, even if it isn’t a miracle like Yosef and the Maccabees. The song called Moshcheini by Waterbury Unplugged shows the tremendous Emunah we should have, especially when it says, “when I search for You and it’s hard to see sometimes… but I know that You love”. The Maccabees knew that Hashem loves His people like Banim and will never give up when we are following the ultimate Emet - the Torah. Wishing everyone a wonderful Shabbos and have a Freilichen Chanukah!

Attributing Our Successes to Hashem By Rafi Lubetski (‘25)

The Sforno’s Message By Gavi Gantz (‘27)