The Importance of Ner Tamid by Uri Carl


In the beginning of Parshat Tetzaveh, Hashem commands Moshe to light a continuous candle, “Lehaalot Ner Tamid.”  However, the question is what does “Tamid” mean?

Rashi explains “Tamid” as being lit every night from evening until morning. However, the Ramban disagrees and says this candle, the western candle, is lit 24 hours a day, not only at night. The Kli Yakar, quoting the Yalkut, adds that and says this western candle was always lit by way of a miracle. This candle is the closest to the Kodesh Hakodashim, Hashem’s Shechinah, and it is a demonstration of Hashem’s presence among us.  However, there is still one question that can be asked; in what way does the Ner Tamid represent Hashem’s Shechinah?

Perhaps one may answer that often when Hashem’s Shchinah is among us, it is expressed with light or fire. For example, when Hashem appears to Moshe, He appears as a burning bush. When Hashem appears at Har Sinai, He shows himself as lightning and fire. So too in our Parsha, when Hashem wishes to demonstrate his presence in the Mishkan, it is by way of an everlasting candle.

The windows of the Beit Hamikdash were formed to be narrow toward the sanctuary and wide towards the outside. This was done to show that the light of the sun did not light the Mikdash, but rather the ever-present holiness of Hashem miraculously lit the Ner Tamid.


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