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The Greatness of Sarah Imeinu By Gavi Kilimnick (‘24)


Parashat Chayei Sarah begins with the Pasuk: “VaYihyu Chayei Sarah Mei’ah Shanah Ve’Esrim Shanah VeShevah Shanim Shenei Chayei Sarah,” “Sarah’s lifetime— the span of Sarah’s life— came to one hundred years and twenty years and seven years” (BeReishit 23:1). From this we ask, why are we dividing her life and not just saying, she lived for 127 years? Rashi (ibid. s.v. Shenei Chayei Sarah) answers this by saying her years were “Kulan Shavim LeTova,” equal in goodness. He says that the word “years” is used after every number given because this shows that all the years Sarah lived were equally good. 

However, Sarah faced many challenges in her life. One example is how her maidservant, Hagar, had a child, Yishmael, with Avraham, her husband, when Sarah could not have children. And at the age of 90, when she finally had a child, she was told that he was to be given as a Korban! Furthermore, she faced these challenges and still made her life purposeful by helping others. For example, she opened her home’s doors to anyone in need of hospitality. 

Throughout all her challenges, Sarah Imeinu never gave up, and it made her life worthwhile. She always did the right thing, which makes her a role model. Sarah facing obstacles in life shows us never to give up because somewhere you can find greatness.