Kol Torah

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The Connection Between Torah and Navi by Eli Reichner


Parashat VaYeilech is connects the Torah (Sefer Devarim) and Navi (Sefer Yehoshua) because it foreshadows the upcoming events of the war with the nations of Eretz Canaan, therefore bringing confidence to Bnei Yisrael by letting them know that they will win.

The Torah (Devarim 31:4) states, “VeAsah Hashem Lahem Kaasher Asah LeSichon ULeOg,” “Hashem will do to them (the nations of Canaan) like he did to Sichon and Og.”  Just as those battles were miraculous; so too, the upcoming battles will be miraculous.  The Torah also states two Pesukim later, “Al Tireu…Ki Hashem Elokecha Hu HaHoleich Imach,” “Don’t be afraid because Hashem goes with you.”  This Pasuk insures that Hashem will go with us and, no matter what, Hashem will be with us.

The Torah (31:23) goes on to say, referring to Hashem talking to Yehoshua, “Ki Atah Tavi Et Bnei Yisrael El HaAretz Asher Nishbati Lahem VeAnochi Ehyeh Imach,” “You will bring Bnei Yisrael into the land I have sworn to them and I will be with you.”  Telling Yehoshua that he will be able to conquer the land reassures him.

The third point of reassurance is the simplest but yet the most important.  There is a Mitzvah given in Parashat VaYeilech that when Bnei Yisrael have a king, he will read from the Torah in public once every seven years (the Mitzvah of Hakheil).  If Bnei Yisrael will not get into Eretz Yisrael then why did Hashem give this commandment?  This is an assurance that they will enter the land.

To tie all these points together, we have to say that by ensuring the people and the leader we connect VaYeilech to Navi, giving Bnei Yisrael confidence that the events later to be recorded in the Navi will come true.  So too, we must have confidence today that the events recorded by Neviim which have not yet occurred will also come true.