Start, But Don’t Finish by Chaim Cohen


In this week’s Parsha, Perek 32, Pasuk 7, Hashem says, “Sheal Aveechah V’yagedchah Zkanecha V’yomru Lach.” Most people think that this phrase translates to the popular English phrase, “those who don’t know history, are doomed to repeat it.”  However, in Judaism this phrase has a second and equally important translation.  Chazal teach, “Lo Alecha Ham’lacha Ligmor.”  This concept is that it is impossible for any person to start and finish anything important.  Rather, all important things are started and then passed down to the next generation to be refined, and ultimately finished.  This example refers to the fact that David started the work of the Mikdash, however, it had to be handed down to Shlomo in order to complete his father’s work.  Here in Haazinu, while Moshe gives Israel different bits of advice he also gives them this advice which will be crucial for the building of the Mikdash.  Therefore, it is also very important for us to consult with the previous generation and take everything that they have given us and make more out of it.  This is especially important now, close to Yom Kippur, when we must realize that it is not our fault if we do not complete something, yet if we do not make any progress at all, it is no one’s fault but our own.

What’s In A Name? by Josh Markovic

Shirat Haazinu by Ben Krinsky