Kol Torah

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Peace of Contentment by Ari Goldschmedt


              In this week's Parsha, Eisav says (33:9-11) "I have much..."  Yaakov said, "God was gracious to me and I have all."  In these Pesukim, the Torah shows us a fundamental difference between Yaakov and Eisav.  Both had gained a fortune.  However it was Eisav who said "I have much," while Yaakov is the one who said "I have all."  The Talmud states that the truly wealthy person is one who is satisfied with whatever he has (Pirkei Avot 4:1).  It is a characteristic, the Talmud says, for one who has one hundred dollars to wish to have two hundred and that when he is leaves this world, a person has not reached even half of his desires (Kohelet Rabah 1:34).

              The nature of greed that ones appetite is never satisfied, and that knowledge of wealth stimulates the desire for even greater wealth.  The truly pious person trusts God and knows that whatever he has has been Divinely decreed for him to have.

              Eisav says, "I have much."  Much, but never enough.  Yaakov says, "God was gracious to me and I have all that I need."

              Our time in this world is brief.  We can spend our time foolishly pursuing unattainable goals or we can have the good judgement to be satisfied with whatever we have and be grateful for that which Hashem has given us.