It’s About Time by Moshe Zharnest


Last week's Parsha lists all the materials needed for building  the Mishkan.  At the end of that list, in this week's Parsha, comes the precious stones used for the clothing of the Kohein Gadol . Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz asks why these stones, which are the most valuable of all the materials, are enumerated last.  He answers that they come last because a basic, important ingredient was missing. Since the donors had easy access to these stones, there was no act of good will by the donors in giving them. It is human nature to toil over that which is most dear to us.  However, that which comes easily to us does not require much effort on our part, and as a result it does not take up a big place in our hearts. The central institution of Avodah, service of God, must be founded on the highest level of good will; the giving of that which is toiled over and is very dear to the donor.  Since no effort was needed on behalf of the donors in offering the stones, the Torah lists those stones last.

We can learn from here an important lesson in life. The focus of our investments of time and effort will turn out to be the things we hold dearest. However, one must be thankful for his or her blessings and must try not to have selfish goals.  In addition, one must consider whether it is the worth the time and effort to chase after something.  We see this in the story of Purim, which we will be reading shortly.  Haman required everyone to bow to him when he passed by, yet Mordechai refused to comply.  Haman, a rich and  powerful minister of the king, could not appreciate any of his blessings so long as Mordechai refused to bow. This attitude ultimately led to Haman's downfall. Haman's efforts were only directed to self-aggrandizement. He invested every  fiber of his being into ascending the ladder toward further honor and recognition. His mistake is a lesson to all generations. 

In our generation, which provides us with so many opportunities to excel, we must constantly ask ourselves as follows: "Are we really dedicating our lives to things of substance?" Or, like Haman, are we chasing after empty dreams that vanish as soon as our eyes are opened? Let us all learn from Haman's mistake and consider what is truly important and deserving of our precious time. Let us make our efforts and goals something fit to give to the King of Kings. 

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