Kol Torah

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Is Noach to Blame for the Flood? by Itamar Lustiger


This week’s Haftarah states, “Ki Mei Noach Zot Li,” “For the waters of Noach shall be this to me” (Yeshayahu 54:9).

The Pasuk refers to the Mabul as “Mei Noach” (the waters of Noach). In light of the fact that the deluge erased all of mankind, save for Noach and his family, this is hardly a complimentary association. In fact, according to the Zohar, this verse issues a surprising indictment of Noach. When HaKadosh Baruch Hu informed Noach of the impending destruction of the world, Noach should have prayed, as Avraham Avinu did for Sedom. The Pasuk in Yeshayahu criticizes Noach for his inaction and apathy by referring to the Mabul as Mei Noach.

Concern for one’s fellow man is a universal obligation.  The obligation for concern runs even deeper for Jews vis-à-vis each other. The Torah mandates mutual responsibility and interdependence amongst Jews – Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh LaZeh – Jews depend on each other. We are not merely responsible for each other (“Areiv” meaning “guarantor”); we may say that we are “mixed up with each other,” symbiotically intertwined (“Areiv” meaning “mixture”).

This obligation clearly extends beyond prayer. It entails teaching, reaching out, Tzedakah, acts of kindness, etc. – anything which helps to foster Torah observance for every Jew.  We, as Jews, have always desperately needed each other. Throughout the tragedies of years past, whether it be the Spanish Inquisition, pogroms, and more recently the Sho’ah, there are countless stories of Jews lending help to one another. As Jews, we have an intrinsic feeling of Achdut among our fellow Bnei Yisrael, and even today, one cannot help feel a sense of brotherhood when walking down the streets of New York City and seeing another person with a Kippah walking down the street.

There is no question that there are virtually countless causes which need our involvement and/or financial support. There is no question that there are virtually countless avenues (outreach, “inreach,” education, strengthening our shuls, Chesed, Tzedadah) for fulfilling the mandate of Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh LaZeh. The question is if every one of us, in accordance with his/her individual talents and resources, is fulfilling that obligation. BeEzrat Hashem, we should all be able to fulfill that mandate, and not bring upon ourselves the criticism of Mei Noach.

-Adapted from a Devar Torah by Rav Mayer Twersky