Fixing the Metzora by Ari Levine


This week’s Parsha states (14:9), “Vehayah Bayom Hashevii, Yegalach Et Kol Se’aro, Et Rosho V’et Zekano V’eit Gabot Einav,” “And on the seventh day, [the Metzora] shall shave all his hair, his head and his beard and his eyebrows.”  Why does the Torah have to specify the head, beard, and eyebrows once it already stated that all hair must be shaved?

The Kli Yakar answers that there are three causes of Tzaraat: acting arrogantly, Lashon Hara, and stinginess.  Shaving these specific parts of his body reminds the Metzora that he must be extremely careful not to return to his ways so he does not get Tzaraat again. Shaving his head will remind him not to act arrogantly, shaving his beard reminds him not to speak about others improperly, and shaving his eyebrows reminds him to act compassionately toward other Jews.

The Torah is trying to emphasize an important idea here.  Hashem chose to require these seemingly superfluous actions to emphasize the importance of having good Midot Bein Adam Lachaveiro.

With all the tragedies that have recently occurred in our community, perhaps Parshat Metzora should be a wakeup call for us to look at ourselves in the mirror and try to improve upon ourselves to lessen the amount of Lashon Hara we speak (and perhaps to become more humble and generous). Hopefully Hashem will see this and bring a much-needed Refuah Sheleimah to the many Cholim in our communities.

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