Kol Torah

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Don’t Forget the Real Goal By Rabbi Yakov Grun


In Parashat Noach, the דור הפלגה attempted to build a tremendous tower to protect mankind. During the construction of the tower, they formed large bricks, and had to carry them up higher and higher to continue raising the height of the tower. 

The Midrash (פרקי דר"א כ"ד) relates that if a brick would fall from the tower, the laborers would sit and cry, lamenting: “When will another brick be available to replace it?!” This delay in construction caused them great anguish, as it jeopardized the timely completion of their project. In contrast, the Midrash continues, if a PERSON would fall and die, they would not pay much attention.

The difference between these reactions is striking. How could they be more upset about the loss of a single brick, than the loss of a human life? 

The answer highlights a prevalent aspect of human-nature. While the initial GOAL of the tower was to preserve life and protect mankind, this value was overshadowed by the PROCEDURAL aspects of the project. Often, we lose track of our goals, and become enwrapped in the details to the point that we  undermine our own mission. We may find ourselves yelling at family members for causing a minor delay in embarking on a fun trip, intended to foster closeness and bonding. We may spend hours updating a technological device, hoping it will save us a few minutes of time. We should be careful to avoid such mistakes!