Different Courts by Etan Bluman


L’zecher Nishmat Berel Aharon Ben Eliezer


This week’s Parsha starts off with the words “Vieleh Hamishpatim. This Pasuk shows the importance of all the Mitzvot that Hashem gave to us. How can we prove from this Pasuk that these laws are actually on the same level of importance as the Mitzvot that were given to us at Har Sinai? Rashi says that the fact that the word “Vieleh” starts off with a Vav proves the importance of the Mitzvot. Whenever a word starts off with the letter Vav, it is a continuation of the previous ideas that had to do with that topic. The first word of Parshat Mishpatim is a continuation of last week’s Parsha, Parshat Yitro, where the Ten Commandments were delivered to Am Yisrael. Due to the fact that the first word of this week’s Parsha has a Vav, we know that all the laws in this week’s Parsha are just as important as the laws from last weeks.

One of the topics in this week’s Parsha is about judges and how the court system of Am Yisrael should be should be run. In the world there are many different countries with many different types of courts aside from the Jewish courts. What is the difference between all of these courts? We can demonstrate the difference through a parable.  There was a house call made by a doctor to a home that had a sick person living in it. After the doctor examined the patient the doctor told the sick person’s family to feed him whatever he wants. The doctor then proceeded to a second house call. Much different from the first case, after examining the second patient he told the family to be careful what they feed him. The doctor was then asked, “Why did you tell the first patient’s family that it was fine for him to eat anything, but for the second patient he told the family that he could not eat much?” The doctor replied by saying that the first patient was very sick and probably would not live for much longer so they should give him whatever he wants to make him feel better but the second patient has a very good chance of living as long as he watches what he eats.

This can be related to the differences between the Jewish courts and the secular courts. Yechezkel 20:25 says, “Wherefore I gave them also statues that were not good; and judgments whereby they should not live. “ However, in relation to the Jewish courts it says in Vayikra (18:5), “You shall therefore keep my statues and judgments which if a man does he shall live in them.” The Pasuk in Yechezkel can relate to the case of the first patient where he may be given everything but does not have the greatest chance to live, whereas the Pasuk in Vayikra can be related to the second patient.  We may have a different way of doing things such as courts but this is what Hashem gives us to help us live our life to the fullest.

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