Clowning Around by Josh Rossman


In the beginning of this week’s Parsha, the Torah states “Vieileh Toldot Yitzchak Ben Avraham, Avraham Holid Et Yitzchak” (25:19).  Rashi states that the reason for this Lashon Kaful (double language) is to show us that Yitzchak looks very similar to his father Avraham.  Why would the Torah waste words on something as insignificant as this?  Rashi states further that Hashem made sure that Yitzchak looked similar to Avraham so that the Leitzanei Hador (clowns of the generation) would not say that Yitzchak was in fact Avimelech’s son and not Avraham’s.  This brings about a more intriguing question as to why Hashem would care that the fools of the generation had to say, especially since no one would take notice to them. This can be answered in two ways. Firstly it shows us the Koach Hadibur.  It teaches that we much watch our mouths because Hashem even pays attention to the words of fools.  We must realize that even if we think that our words do not matter that Hashem pays attention to everything we say.  Rabbi Adler recently addressed the student body and quoted a Gemara which states that each person only has a certain amount of words which he his granted to use in his lifetime.  We must make sure to use these words to learn Torah and do Mitzvot, and not Chas Vishalom to do Aveirot.   A second thing we learn from this Rashi is the severity of a Chilul Hashem. We see that we should try to prevent a Chilul Hashem even if it is only in front of the Leitzanai Hador.  We should be careful to always treat people with respect and act properly especially in the presence non-Jews. Dr. Berman once told us a story of a Rabbi who made sure that he always presented himself in a clean and neat way.  One day he was walking in the street and a filthy homeless man who was sitting on the side of the road yelled out “dirty Jew.”  Even the lowest people want to put us down and make fun of us, but we must strive to make sure to put all of our effort into making a Kiddush Hashem rather than a Chilul Hashem.

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