But your Name Shall Be Avraham by Dov Rossman

(2004/5765) In Parshat Lech-Lecha, the Torah states (17:5): “Velo
Yikarei Od Et Shimcha Avram, Vehaya Shimcha Avraham,” “And
your name shall no longer be called Avram, and your name will be
Avraham.”  The Mishnah states that anyone who calls Avraham by
the name Avram is violating a positive mitzvah from the Torah
because of this Pasuk. R’ Eliezer states that one is not only violating
a positive mitzvah; he is also violating a negative mitzvah because
of the first part of the Pasuk, “Velo Yikarei Od.” The Gemara then
asks: if this Halachah is correct, why does it not apply to Yaakov,
whom we call by the name Yaakov today even though his name was
switched to Yisrael? The answer is that the case of Yaakov is different because Hashem calls Yaakov by the name Yaakov
even after his name is switched to Yisrael.
The Divrei Eliyahu adds that Yaakov’s name was
never completely switched to begin with. He points out a hint
to this in the names of the Tefilot that the Avot set up. The
second letter of the name Avraham, Bet, hints to the Tefilat
Boker, which Avraham established. The second letter of
Yitzchak, Tzadi, hints to the Tefilah that Yitzchak established,
Tefilat Hatzaharayim. The second letter of the name Yaakov,
Ayin, hints to the Tefilah that he established, Tefilat Arvit.
Since the Ayin in Yaakov’s name is useful, we see that the
name Yaakov still had a purpose and function. This contrasts
with the name Avram, which had no use and was completely
replaced by the name Avraham.

The Chesed of Avraham by Rabbi Joel Grossman

Covenantal Blessings by Mr. Ezra Frazer