A New Day by David Pietruszka


      The Torah states that as part of the daily service in the Mishkan (and, eventually, the Beis HaMikdash), the Kohein must take off his regular garments, put on other garments, and carry the ashes from all of the burnt Korbanos out of the camp to a designated place (ויקרא ו:ד).  Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch, commenting on this Posuk, notes that the ashes which are to be taken out are those ashes that remained on the Mizbeiach from the previous day.  Apparently, it wasn't permissible to begin the new day's service as long as the ashes from the previous day were not removed.

            Rabbi Hirsch explains that this requirement expresses the idea that on each new day, the Torah mission that one must fulfill must begin with a fresh start.  On every new day that we are called upon to perform a Mitzvah, we should do so with a new sense of emotion and devotion to Hashem.  Therefore, when one puts on his Tallis and Tefillin every morning, for example, one should not put them on simply as part of a daily routine, but rather, one should perform these Mitzvos with a new sense of feeling and with the kind of excitement one would have if he were performing them for the first time.  The second part of the Posuk says that the ashes must be carried out of the camp.  Every bit of the previous day's ashes must be removed from the Mizbeiach so that the Avodah of the new day may be done with a fresh new start.  We should all try to fulfill all of the daily Mitzvos with great feeling, and approach them with a fresh new look every day so that each day will represent a fresh new start.

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