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Stressful Davening, By Ezra Luber ('21)

The Chazon Ish (On Emunah and Bitachon, 2:1-2) describes Bitachon as full trust in Hashem, that anything and all actions are reflective of His will. This week's Parashah begins with Yaakov Avinu running away from home and eventually ending up in a random desert spot and sleeping there. However, Rashi notes that the Gemara (Berachot 26b) learns, from the words, “Vayifga BaMakom” (BeReishit 28:11), that Yaakov also Davened in that place. The Or HaChaim (ibid. 28:10 s.v. ULeDivreihem) explains that Eisav sent his son Eliphaz to run after Yaakov and therefore, Yaakov went down to pray for help in dealing with Eisav’s son. The fact that Yaakov Avinu, facing such hardships, went down to pray can be why Hashem eventually blesses him.

Yaakov Avinu is in a very tough situation. He is running away from Eisav, after stealing the Bechorah from him. He does not know if he will ever see his beloved parents again, and to make matters worse, Eisav’s son Elipaz is running after him. Not only that, he is running to the house of his uncle, a known and renowned trickster and Oveid Avodah Zarah. However, in the midst of the craziness, Yaakov arrives at this place, and spends the night Davening and connecting with Hashem. Perhaps this is what led to Yaakov receiving the Berachah that Hashem will always be with him, and his family, when they are spread throughout the world, and everyone will be blessed through Yaakov's family, and be returned to the Land of Israel as a result.

As Yaakov leaves his family and his home land, Hashem promises Yaakov that He will be with him, and subsequently all of us, forever. Yaakov is embarking on a journey of extreme pain and grief. He will go to Lavan, work for seven years to marry the woman of his dreams, only to be snubbed at the Chuppah and forced to work another seven years just for that girl, while dealing with a wife who knows she is not the chosen one. His beloved wife will be barren, and after finally being able to have kids, she will die as a result, he will see his daughter kidnapped, and his sons become looters and murderers. Finally, his chosen son will be sold by the rest of his sons, because he is loved more than them.

Yaakov's life is certainly not easy. In fact, it is painful and tough, however Yaakov never falls off the Derech. No one would blame Yaakov if he would scream at Hashem once or twice, and ask, “Why me? Why is my life so tough? How can I never catch a break?” However, this never happens. Maybe this Berachah fortifies Yaakov Avinu and helps him endure the difficulties and eventually witness his children seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The night Yaakov spends davening to Hashem then receiving the Berachah changes his life forever. 

While we can not imagine Yaakov's life of perpetual pain, we have all been going through our own tough times in recent months. Many are fearful for their health and safety, others are depressed by the lack of friendship, children and teenagers stressed by online school, and many others face a multitude of other issues. Sometimes we just want to scream at Hashem and ask why this is happening, and what is going on. Yaakov Avinu teaches us of the importance of calling to Hashem in the proper way, by Davening and embracing Hashem, not by turning away and abandoning Him.

We do not understand why everything occurs. However, if we realize that it is all from Hashem, we may understand the Berachah of Hashem to Yaakov that at the end of the day, this is all for the best. With this, we hope it will lead to the return to Eretz Yisrael, and Mashiach BeMeHeira BeYameinu.