Keeping Hashem’s Brit as a Team By Ariel Kryzman (‘23)
In the beginning of Parashat BeChukotai, Hashem promises
Bnei Yisrael tremendous blessings if they listen to him and
follow in his ways. In one of these blessings, Hashem adds a
ופניתי אליכם והפריתי אתכם והרביתי אתכם” :supplement peculiar
אתכם את־בריתי והקימתי,” “I will look favorable upon you, and make
you fertile and multiply you; and I will keep My covenant with
you” (VaYikra 26:9). What is the purpose of the ending of that
Pasuk? Did we think that Hashem wouldn’t keep His Brit with
Rav Yaakov Tzvi Mecklenburg offers a beautiful
explanation in his HaKetav VeHaKabalah. Until now, says Rav
Mecklenburg, Bnei Yisrael have received rewards partially
because of the Zechut of the Avot and the Brit that Hashem
made with them. In that Brit, Hashem promised the Avot that if
they teach their children in Hashem’s ways and spread the
knowledge of Hashem to other nations, Hashem will make their
children prosperous. Now, however, Bnei Yisrael didn’t need to
rely on the Brit that Hashem made with the Avot. Hashem has
now established a personal relationship with Bnei Yisrael,
promising to make them prosperous if they follow the Torah.
Starting now, the relationship that Bnei Yisrael will have with
Hashem will be even more special and personal because
Hashem made a covenant with them.
Rav Shimshon Rephael Hirsch offers another
explanation. Rav Hirsch makes an interesting connection
between the beginning of the Pasuk promising that Bnei Yisrael
will be numerous and the end promising that Hashem will keep
His Brit with Bnei Yisrael. Oftentimes, when a nation becomes
numerous throughout a land, they become increasingly
unprincipled. They lose their moral compass; they lose that
which made that nation so great and prosperous in the first
place. This happens because they become more competitive.
They feel as though it is a 0-sum game and that they must be
prosperous at someone else’s expense, lest they do not prosper
at all. Here, Hashem promises that this will not happen with
the Berachot in our Parashah. There will be more people and
they will be numerous across the land but they will not lose
their morals because Hashem promised, “אתכם את־בריתי והקימתי,“
“I will keep My covenant with you” (ibid.). When you keep
Hashem’s Brit and you live a life of “תלכו אם־בחקתי,” “If you follow
My laws” (VaYikra 26:3), every new person is not a threat to
your existence, but a greater opportunity to make your bond
with Hashem even stronger. When serving Hashem is the goal,
we remember that we are on the same team and with each new
member, our team only gets stronger.