Kol Torah

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Food for Thought by Ezra Frazer


      טז:כג states that Aharon should enter Ohel Mo'ed and remove his בגדי לבן.  There is seemingly no purpose for this, so Rashi quotes the Gemara (יומא לב) which explains how this pasuk does not belong here and is actually referring to when the Kohen Gadol would remove the firepan of קטורת from אוהל מועד.  If this is so, what is the pasuk doing here, and why does the Torah make it sound like Aharon is entering אוהל מועד for no reason? 

     Parshat Kedoshim contains a seemingly haphazard list of mitzvot.  Is there any structure to the way in which the Torah organizes these mitzvot? 

     Parshat Acharei Mot and Parshat Kedoshim both spend considerable amounts of time dealing with the laws of the עריות.  Why does the Torah repeat them in Kedoshim after just discussing them at length in Acharei Mot?  Why is the prohibition of giving one's son over to מולך inserted in to the laws of the עריות in יח:כא if it is prohibited because of עבודה זרה (as explained by Rashi)?

     The end of Sefer Amos (this week's haftarah according to the prevalent minhag) discusses how God will "sift out like a sieve" the sinners of Israel and then bring the survivors of this sifting back to Eretz Yisrael permanently.  What does this have to do with Parshat Kedoshim?