Kol Torah

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And With Emunah We Will Be Redeemed, By Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov Berman


The Parashah opens up by saying “Vayikra El Moshe, Vayidaber Hashem Eilav,” “And He called out to Moshe, And He spoke to him” (Vayikra 1:1). If you look in the Torah, there is something noticeably different about the word Vayikra. The word Vayikra ends with an Aleph that is quite small. What can we learn from this small Aleph especially during our difficult times today?

Chassidut/Kabbala teach that everything that happens to us on an hourly and daily basis, even the things which may seem insignificant, are Hashem calling out to us. We tend to think that things which occur in our daily encounters, natural or unnatural phenomenon and natural disasters are equal; both are just VaYikra happenings. Thus, the small Aleph teaches that even while it seems like what is going on in the world is simply an occurrence or a natural consequence, Hashem is orchestrating the scene. What may seem to us as just an insignificant occurrence, is actually Hashem concealing Himself to the extent that we aren’t even able to see it as the Yad Hashem. The Divrei Yisrael of Modzitz expresses this idea through the juxtaposition between the last pasuk of Parashat Pekudei: “Ki Anan Al HaMishkan Yoman VeAish Tihyeh Laylah Bo LeEinei Beit Yisrael LeKol Maseihem,” “For the cloud of Hashem would be on the Mishkan by day, and fire would be on it at night, before the eyes of all of Israel, throughout their journeys”  and the opening word of Vayikra, with the small Aleph to show us that throughout all of our journeys we are guided by the hand of Hashem. Although it may seem like a  random phenomenon, it is Hashem directing us. We need to all take in the Emunah, especially during these days of difficulty, and realize that Hashem is behind it all, even though we may not see Him. 

Rav Menachem Mendel of Bian Chernovitz (Tiferet Menachem Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5695) explained that just as when we usher in Adar we increase our Simcha, so too, we usher Nissan in by increasing  our Emunah. The reason that we increase our Emunah during Chodesh Nissan is because the Midrash (Yalkut Shemoni Cheilek Bet 519) explains that just as we were “Nigalu” (redeemed/freed) in the month of Nissan in merit of the Emunah we displayed in Mitzrayim, so to we will be redeemed with the coming of Mashiach in the month of Nissan in the merit of our Emunah during the final phases of Galut. 

Although these times are unquestionably difficult and one may not judge or look down upon others who experience anxiety during this pandemic, the time and charge for us to strengthen our Emunah in HaKadosh Baruch Hu and Mashiach is now more than ever. It should be the will of Hashem that we see the ending of this pandemic speedily in our days; that all who are suffering physically, emotionally, and financially have a complete and speedy recovery; and that in the Zechut of our Emunah, we bring in together, with simchah, the Melech HaMashiach, Amen.